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Migration guide

The CloudBlue Connect release 26 introduces the version 2 of EaaS SDK specifications. The 26th release of the Connect platform support both version 1 and version 2 of EaaS SDK specifications. Note, however, that the version 1 support will be stopped in future releases.

The following article will help you to migrate from SDK version 1 specification to SDK version 2.

Migrate pyproject.toml

Events application setuptools entrypoint name

In SDK version 1, entrypoint names are used to load classes with event handlers that are collectively called an extension. The following example demonstrates this concept:

EaaS SDK v1
"extension" = "mypkg.extension:MyExtension"

In SDK version 2, extension is deprecated in favour of eventapp as demonstrated below:

EaaS SDK v2
"eventsapp" = "mypkg.extension:MyExtension"

EaaS SDK dependency

In version 1, an extension project depends on the connect-extension-runner library:

EaaS SDK v1
python = "^3.8"
connect-extension-runner = "24.*"

In version 2, it depends on the connect-eaas-core library:

EaaS SDK v2
python = "^3.8"
connect-eaas-core = "26.*"

Migrate python code

Base class

Version 1 includes the following base class for Events Applications:

EaaS SDK v1
from connect.eaas.extension import Extension

class MyExtension(Extension):

In version 2, the name of the base class changes from Extension to EventsApplicationBase:

EaaS SDK v2
from connect.eaas.core.extension import EventsApplicationBase

class MyEventsApplication(EventsApplicationBase):

Response classes

In SDK version 1, the response classes are used to return event processing results:

EaaS SDK v1
from connect.eaas.extension import (

In SDK version 2, the responses classes are declared as follows:

EaaS SDK v2
from connect.eaas.core.responses import (

The following table summarizes all response classes replacements:

SDK v1 SDK v2
ProcessingResponse BackgroundResponse
ValidationResponse InteractiveResponse
ProductActionResponse InteractiveResponse
CustomEventResponse InteractiveResponse
ScheduledExecutionResponse ScheduledExecutionResponse

Event handlers

In EaaS SDK v1, events are subscribed through the extension.json descriptor file. Each event has a predefined method name to handle it:

EaaS SDK v1
  "name": "Old extension",
  "description": "This extension is based on SDK v1",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "readme_url": "",
  "changelog_url": "",
  "capabilities": {
    "asset_purchase_request_processing": ["pending", "approved", "failed", "inquiring", "scheduled", "revoking", "revoked"]

In addition, each event includes the asset_purchase_request_processing maps to the process_asset_purchase_request method:

EaaS SDK v1
from connect.eaas.extension import Extension

class MyExtension(Extension):
    def process_asset_purchase_request(self, request):

In EaaS SDK v2, in order to define a method of the Events Application class for a given event type and statuses, it must be decorated via the @event decorator from the connect.eaas.core.decorators package. The following provides such an example:

EaaS SDK v2
from connect.eaas.core.decorators import event
from connect.eaas.core.extension import EventsApplicationBase

class MyEventsApplication(EventsApplicationBase):

            'pending', 'approved', 'failed', 
            'inquiring', 'scheduled', 'revoking',
    def handle_purchase_request(self, request):

Therefore, in version 2, a name of a method that handles a given event is not enforced by an event type.

Use the following table to review event types and method names mapping:

Event type Method name
asset_purchase_request_processing process_asset_purchase_request
asset_change_request_processing process_asset_change_request
asset_suspend_request_processing process_asset_suspend_request
asset_resume_request_processing process_asset_resume_request
asset_cancel_request_processing process_asset_cancel_request
asset_adjustment_request_processing process_asset_adjustment_request
asset_purchase_request_validation validate_asset_purchase_request
asset_change_request_validation validate_asset_change_request
product_action_execution execute_product_action
product_custom_event_processing process_product_custom_event
tier_config_setup_request_processing process_tier_config_setup_request
tier_config_change_request_processing process_tier_config_change_request
tier_config_adjustment_request_processing process_tier_config_adjustment_request
tier_config_setup_request_validation validate_tier_config_setup_request
tier_config_change_request_validation validate_tier_config_change_request
listing_new_request_processing process_new_listing_request
listing_remove_request_processing process_remove_listing_request
tier_account_update_request_processing process_tier_account_update_request
usage_file_request_processing process_usage_file
part_usage_file_request_processing process_usage_chunk_file


In order to allow the Runner from release 26 to execute extensions that are created via SDK version 1, your events declared in the extension.json descriptor take precedence over your events declared by using the SDK version 2 @event decorator. Therefore, it is required to remove the capabilities attribute from the extension.json descriptor to make it work.


In EaaS SDK version 1, the schedulable methods are declared within the extension.json file:

EaaS SDK v1
  "name": "Old extension",
  "description": "This extension is based on SDK v1",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "readme_url": "",
  "changelog_url": "",
  "schedulables": [
      "name": "Schedulable method mock",
      "description": "It can be used to test DevOps scheduler.",
      "method": "execute_scheduled_processing"

In EaaS SDK version 2, your schedulable methods must be decorated via the @schedulable decorators:

EaaS SDK v2
from connect.eaas.core.decorators import schedulable
from connect.eaas.core.extension import EventsApplicationBase

class MyEventsApplication(EventsApplicationBase):

        'Schedulable method mock',
        'It can be used to test DevOps scheduler.',
    def execute_scheduled_processing(self, schedule):


In order to allow the Runner from release 26 to execute extensions that are created via SDK version 1, your events declared in the extension.json descriptor take precedence over your events declared by using the SDK version 2 @schedulable decorator. Thus, make sure to remove the schedulables attribute from the extension.json descriptor to make it work.

Environment variables

An extension application can automatically declare environment variables that are required for the launch. Once your extension is started, all variables declared for your application will be assigned and initialized with values provided by the inital_value attribute.

In the EaaS SDK version 1, all variables should be declared within the extension.json descriptor:

EaaS SDK v1
  "name": "Old extension",
  "description": "This extension is based on SDK v1",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "readme_url": "",
  "changelog_url": "",
  "variables": [
      "initial_value": "<change_with_purchase_request_approve_template_id>"
      "initial_value": "<change_with_change_request_approve_template_id>"
      "initial_value": "<change_with_tier_request_approve_template_id>"

In EaaS SDK version 2, it is required to use the @variables class decorator:

EaaS SDK v2
from connect.eaas.core.decorators import variables
from connect.eaas.core.extension import EventsApplicationBase

        "initial_value": "<change_with_purchase_request_approve_template_id>"
        "initial_value": "<change_with_change_request_approve_template_id>"
        "initial_value": "<change_with_tier_request_approve_template_id>"
class MyEventsApplication(EventsApplicationBase):


In order to allow the Runner from release 26 to execute extensions that are created via SDK version 1, your events declared in the extension.json descriptor take precedence over your events declared by using the SDK version 2 @variables decorator. Consequently, make sure to remove the variables attribute from the extension.json descriptor to make it work.